Re: [squid-users] [cachemgr] Some troubles accessing it...

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 19 Feb 2003 15:09:04 +0100

This is because your proxy is configured to require authentication to
access the cache_object:// URLs.

What I usually do in such situation is to disable the password for
cachemgr in squid.conf and instead protect them with proxy_auth acls.


ons 2003-02-19 klockan 14.18 skrev Boniforti Flavio:
> ...
> Hy everybody!
> I don't know what's wrong and where!
> Here what I set up:
> Apache 1.3
> Squid 2.4ST4
> My squid is also authenticating users.
> Now, when I load the cachemgr.cgi I get the correct form displayed.
> I enter my proxy's IP Address, it's port and manager as username. Then I
> put the "all" password (cache_manager my_pass all).
> Then my browser waits for long time, until I get the "Cache Access
> Denied" page displayed.
> Here it is:
> Cache Access Denied
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> While trying to retrieve the URL: cache_object://
> The following error was encountered:
> Sorry, you are not currently allowed to request:
> cache_object://
> from this cache until you have authenticated yourself.
> You need to use Netscape version 2.0 or greater, or Microsoft Internet
> Explorer 3.0, or an HTTP/1.1 compliant browser for this to work. Please
> contact the cache administrator if you have difficulties authenticating
> yourself or CHANGE PASSWORD .
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> Generated Wed, 19 Feb 2003 13:14:46 GMT by plin.proxy.vco
> (Squid/2.4.STABLE2)
> The "CHANGE PASSWORD" hyprelink just gets the user to "chpasswd.cgi",
> but it ain't a password issue, because I can surf the web once
> authenticated.
> Thank you in advance!
> -----------------------------------
> Boniforti Flavio
> Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
> Ufficio Informatica
> Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore
> Via dell'Industria, 25
> 28924 Verbania
> -----------------------------------

Henrik Nordstrom <>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Received on Wed Feb 19 2003 - 07:09:09 MST

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