If I read this right, any user on your network is allowed unrestricted
access to the internet??
If so why use authentication in Squid at all? IP's should still be logged to
the logs.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mauricio Pegoraro [mailto:mauricio.pegoraro@adprs.com.br]
> Sent: Tue, 25. February 2003 7:31 AM
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: [squid-users] Authentication Question - Username
> I was wondering if there's a way to pass the username of the
> local machine to the proxy. And use this username in the Squid acls.
> Let's explain a litttle more:
> - there's a network where the workstations are Windows NT and
> Windows 2000;
> - all these WS authenticate against a Novell Server (NDS) with
> the Novell Client for Windows;
> - so, authentication is not a problem. The users only use the
> WSs if they authenticate. And there's no need for the proxy to
> "re-authenticate" the users.
> So my question is: how to pass just the username to the Squid?
> And then pass it to the ACLs and all the logging.
> The purpose of this is for the users not have to type their
> username and password in a dialog box (and, after that, the proxy
> "redo" an authentication).
> Any idea about that? I've searched various sites and resources.
> But find nothing.
> Thanks. Maur�cioWP.
> ==========================================
> Maur�cio Westendorff Pegoraro
> Analista de Suporte - Seguran�a
> Suporte ADP RBS
> ADP Brasil
> Fone: +55 51 3218-6227
> e-mail: mauricio.pegoraro@adprs.com.br
> ===================================
Received on Mon Feb 24 2003 - 14:30:10 MST
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