[squid-users] buffer

From: czesn <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 06:48:07 +0200

My problem:

I set variable "maximum_object_size" to 12000. It should write to
cache all files taht are not bigget than 12000. Indeed it writes.
When 2MB file is downloaded, than I can click again in this same link
and this file come to me from buffer in less than a second ( for sure
its not chached by the browser ).


when I coles browser (or open other browser or try this opperation
from other node in the LAN) then file won't come to me from buffer.
WHY? Can anyone help me to reslove that problem?

Below is my squid.conf
   http_port 8080
   icp_port 0
   acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
   no_cache deny QUERY
   cache_mem 64 MB
   cache_dir ufs /cache 200 16 256
   redirect_rewrites_host_header off
   #replacement_policy GDSF
   acl localnet src
   acl localhost src
   acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535
   acl CONNECT method CONNECT
   acl all src
   http_access allow localnet
   http_access allow localhost
   http_access deny !Safe_ports
   http_access deny CONNECT
   http_access deny all
   maximum_object_size 12000 KB
   cache_mgr twoj@email
   cache_effective_user squid
   cache_effective_group squid
   log_icp_queries off
   cachemgr_passwd tajnehaselko all
   buffered_logs on


Best regards,
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Received on Thu Apr 10 2003 - 22:42:55 MDT

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