czesn wrote:
> Hello,
> My problem:
> I set variable "maximum_object_size" to 12000. It should write to
> cache all files taht are not bigget than 12000. Indeed it writes.
> When 2MB file is downloaded, than I can click again in this same link
> and this file come to me from buffer in less than a second ( for sure
> its not chached by the browser ).
Which version of squid are you using ?
On which platform/os/version ?
What's in access.log for the particular url ?
> BUT...
> when I coles browser (or open other browser or try this opperation
> from other node in the LAN) then file won't come to me from buffer.
> WHY? Can anyone help me to reslove that problem?
> Below is my squid.conf
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> http_port 8080
> icp_port 0
> acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
> no_cache deny QUERY
> cache_mem 64 MB
> cache_dir ufs /cache 200 16 256
> redirect_rewrites_host_header off
> #replacement_policy GDSF
> acl localnet src
> acl localhost src
> acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535
> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
> acl all src
> http_access allow localnet
> http_access allow localhost
> http_access deny !Safe_ports
> http_access deny CONNECT
> http_access deny all
> maximum_object_size 12000 KB
> cache_mgr twoj@email
> cache_effective_user squid
> cache_effective_group squid
> log_icp_queries off
> cachemgr_passwd tajnehaselko all
> buffered_logs on
> #EOT
> --
> Best regards,
> ------------ R E K L A M A ------------
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-- 'Love is truth without any future. (M.E. 1997)Received on Fri Apr 11 2003 - 01:09:58 MDT
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