Re: [squid-users] Size limitation in PUT requests?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 15 May 2003 19:45:01 +0200

tor 2003-05-15 klockan 12.47 skrev Christoph Haas:

> We have a user that wants to do FTP uploads via the Squid. The only tool
> I know which is capable is the good old Netscape 4.7x. If anyone knows
> something better please tell me.

Some of the commercial FTP tools also seems to support this..

> However the user needs to do uploads of larger ZIP files. Small files up
> to 5 MB can be uploaded without problems. But larger uploads fail after
> a few MB ("Connection refused" or something similar). The squid log
> files don't show any errors. It looks like the PUT request was handled
> successfully.

No idea. Should work.. but as the client support for this is not exacly
widespread it is not a function which is used a lot and it is not too
unlikely there is not yet known issues in either Squid or the client..

Please enable

  debug_options ALL,2 33,9 9,9

Then register a bug entry for this problem, attaching your cache.log of
a failed FTP PUT session (if the cache.log file is very large then skip
the repetetive part in the middle while the file is being uploaded


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Received on Thu May 15 2003 - 11:45:23 MDT

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