Re: [squid-users] 802.1Q and SQUID : bug ! Don't use them together

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 16:52:02 +0100

Hi Olivier,

This quite curious as I have 8 vlans and use squid without issue --
however, I use a seperate instance of squid and dns for each :-)

eth0.10 --> gateway w/ squid
eth0.11 --> gateway w/ squid
eth0.12 --> gateway w/ squid
eth1.1 --> lan 1

Users on lan 1 can access https with out any noticable problems ...

Au Revoir


On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 16:01, PINEAU Olivier wrote:
> Hi !
> I want to inform you that i have discover a bug with 802.1Q technologie and
> 802.1Q is for VLAN's :
> the module 8021Q is use to configure a network card to be present on
> different VLAN's (tagged port).
> My previous installation was :
> VLAN 3 on eth0
> routeur SDSL (gateway)
> VLAN 2 on eth0.2 (vconfig add eth0 2)
> VLAN 1 on eth0.1 (vconfig add eth0 1)
> With this configuration, i was ending weirds issues : i was not able to log
> in hotmail, yahoo!mail, e-bay, or perform any transaction on net.
> For exemple, with hotmail, the https transaction was done and recorded on
> log, but the following url was not recorded in log and a basic error message
> prompt on navigator (DNS error or serveur not found).
> By despair, I change my network conf to use a different networdk card for
> each VLAN and it's finally works.
> So, don't use 8021Q module with SQUID !
> NOTE : I use 8021Q for my data serveur (SAMBA and netatalk) and it works
> fine
Received on Wed Jan 21 2004 - 08:52:16 MST

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