It works good; but in a moment a password prompt
Enrique CHarry
--- Adam Aube <> escribi�: > Enrique
Charry wrote:
> > I have configured MSNT y NTLM working with domain;
> but
> > some users in browser, a password prompt pop-up.
> So it works for some, but not others?
> I'm guessing that you either have too few NTLM
> helpers, or your domain
> controller(s) can't keep up with the requests from
> Squid.
> Cache Manager NTLM helper stats can give you more
> information, but the
> standard response is to increase the number of NTLM
> problems. If it helps,
> then you had too few helpers.
> If not, then the bottleneck is at your domain
> controller(s), and you have to
> solve the problem there. Either dedicate a domain
> controller to service
> requests from Squid, or find a way to load-balance
> the requests among
> domain controllers.
> Adam
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