[squid-users] help me

From: Aanandh P C <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:00:51 +0600

Hi all

I am working on Squid to reduce the resolutions of the cached JPEG objects.

For that i am getting the informations (dirn ,swapfilen) of the cached
file while invoking storeSwapOutFileClosed() method.

I am directly read the file from ufs.and compressing it by reducing
it's resolution then modifying the squid object header (like content-length)
but i can't understand how squid is calculating the MD5 sum of the object,
and what r the other storeEntries i want to change .to validate the new object.

please help me.

Aanandh P C
Received on Tue Aug 24 2004 - 00:00:53 MDT

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