Re: [squid-users] GET/PUT Question - AGAIN

From: OTR Comm <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 12:10:19 -0700


Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, OTR Comm wrote:
> > Like I said, during a multiple file push session, the first entry shows
> > up in cache.log and gets cached, but the other entries do not show up in
> > cache.log, and do not get cached. But all the entries show up in snort
> > as they pass through port 3128.
> What does the traffic look like between Squid and your web server?

I'm not quite sure what you are asking here, but when I set my browser
to use squid as a proxy, the traffic flows smoothly, and all the
requested pages and images get cached properly. Then when I revisit the
pages, squid serves the pages and images out of cache.

I have the cache.log and snort dumps for both squid GETs and my
PushCache PUTs sessions for the same pages if that would be helpful. The
combined dumps are 12 pages so I shouldn't post them at the list here.

Murrah Boswell
Received on Wed Oct 06 2004 - 13:07:55 MDT

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