On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, [ISO-8859-1] "Jos� J. Cintr�n" wrote:
> When I try to download a file using wget
> wget ftp://ftp.site.com/file-???-x86.exe
Is there a file names exacly like this?
You may need to URL-encode the ? characters
wget ftp://ftp.site.com/file-%3f%3f%3f-x86.exe
Also, squidclient will show you the entire transaction, perhaps showing
some more light on what that 502 error is.
> My configuration looks something like this
> Lab Comp -> SQUID1 -> FW1 -> SQUID2 -> FW2 -> Internet
> SQUID1 I have full control is inside my lab and is basically used to control
> which sites the computers in the lab can connect to, and it has SQUID2
> defined as its parent.
> cache_peer SQUID2 parent 80 3120 proxy-only no-query
You also need
never_direct allow all
as per the Squid FAQ on how to use Squid within a firewall.
This is quite likely the source of your problems as the (unencoded) ?
characters makes the URL fall into the "non-hierarchical" category where
Squid will by default go direct unless prohibited.
Received on Wed Mar 16 2005 - 14:54:17 MST
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