Re: [squid-users] squid with ldap authentication

From: Om <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 14:21:17 +0530

Thank you very much Yong,
I will try this and let you know the result.
Thanks for your support.


Yong Bong Fong wrote:
> Hi there,
> Heres how I configure my ldap-squid authentication:
> 1) Make sure you have squid_ldap_auth support for your squid
> 2) In squid.conf configure your auth_param as below:
> auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -b
> "cn=root,dc=apple,dc=com " -D "uid=admin,cn=root,dc=apple,dc=com" -w
> youradminpassword -f "uid=%s" -h your_ldap_host_ip
> Where "cn=root,dc=apple,dc=com" is your ldap base dn &
> "uid=admin,cn=root,dc=apple,dc=com" is one of your ldap created account
> 3) At your acl in squid.conf add a line:
> acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED
> 4) At your http_access section in squid.conf add this line:
> http_access allow password (add it before http_access deny all)
> Then restart your squid.
> Good luck,
> Om wrote:
>> Hi Vaibhav,
>> Thanks for your mail.
>> If you have configured squid with LDAP authentication,
>> can you provide me any resources for that.
>> Thanks,
>> Omprakash,
>> Effigent India Pvt Ltd,
>> Hyderabad.
>>> Hi,
>>> After configuring squid with LDAP support it always pop up the user
>>> name and pssword window for authentication but if you configured
>>> squid with NTLM support the authentication will be transparent to the
>>> users.
>>> Regards,
>>> Vaibhav
>>> On 5/2/06, Om <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Friends,
>>>> Currently i am using ip address based acls to provide internet
>>>> access to
>>>> the users in my company.
>>>> Recently we have installed LDAP-V 3.
>>>> Now I would like to provide internet access based on the LDAP-
>>>> authentication.
>>>> Can anybody suggest me how to go about it.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Om.
> --
> Yong Bong Fong
> System Engineer
> MIS Department
> Shin Yang Group of Companies
> Email:
> Tel: (60)085-656699 Ext 376
> "Bekerja rajin untuk kemajuan negara kita"
Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 02:58:07 MDT

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