[squid-users] Where to look for re-authentication

From: Michael W. Lucas <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 07:41:02 -0400


I've inherited a Squid 2.5 box that uses Websense for filtering and
squid_radius_auth against a Cisco ACS system for authentication.

This system asks for your username and password every fifteen minutes.

Trying to find where this is set is driving me nuts. I understand
that Squid does not provide this function, as the credentials are
cached in the browser and Squid doesn't know the difference between
the cached creds and user-entered ones. Fair enough. But does anyone
have any idea where this is set, or where I should look in this setup?
It's obviously hooked into Squid, somewhere, somehow...

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions,


Michael W. Lucas	mwlucas@FreeBSD.org, mwlucas@BlackHelicopters.org
"The cloak of anonymity protects me from the nuisance of caring." -Non Sequitur
Received on Mon May 08 2006 - 05:41:06 MDT

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