RE: [squid-users] HowDo I: Get Date stamp on the access.log

From: Geoff Varney <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 08:45:34 -0700

I was there a while ago so searched around the Web and came up with a
tool to help do this. I use this in a logrotation script that runs each
night just before midnight so I have daily logs of access. I also use a
script within this to convert IPs to host names so I know from what
computer the access is. Here's what mine does:

Rotate access.log

Move the rotated log file to a log storage area and rename it to include

Convert IPs in log file to host names

Convert Unix time stamps in log file to normal date and time (My script
retains the original log file AND creates a new one with host names and

Here is what is used to do the conversions:

IP -> Host Name:

perl <path to>/ -I <path to rotated>/access.log > <path

Unix time conversion:

cat <path to>/rotated_access.log | perl <path to>/conv_date > <path

In my setup the output file of the first is then the input file of the

I don't think you can attach files here so I've pm'ed you and attached
the and conv_date files in case they aren't readily found, I
forget where I found them, but I think they're around.

Here is the code of conv_date:

#! /usr/bin/perl -p
s/^\d+\.\d+/localtime $&/e;

If you're interested in my entire rotation script, I can provide that
also. I'm no Linux wizard, still a beginner, but figured this stuff out
(somewhat) and it's working for me.

There may be some things you need to install for these to work, not sure
what I did. You will also need to modify some things in ip2name (you'll
see some of my info in there, maybe referring to "ridge" which is part
of my domain name). conv_date (which is what you're after anyway) is
good to go the way it is. You can just pull out the cat..... piece
above and get what you want right away.

Hope this helps, and not more than you wanted!!


-----Original Message-----
From: John Walubengo []
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:39 AM
To: Guido Serassio; Laurent Marc 00
Subject: Re: [squid-users] HowDo I: Get Date stamp on the access.log

Below is my sample access.log data:

1152258629.089 23364 TCP_MISS/200 4625 GET student
DIRECT/ text/css

1152258629.261 2792 TCP_MISS/200 2570 GET
student DIRECT/ text/css

It is basically the default log; how can i get it to show
the date:time stamp so that I get to know WHEN the users
accessed these sites?


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