RE: [squid-users] HowDo I: Get Date stamp on the access.log

From: nonama <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 18:58:23 -0700 (PDT)

If you don't mind, can I get the entire rotation
script? I want to rotate my access weekly, and I also
need the time to be converted as well. How do I put
it in script and crontab ?

Thank you.

--- Geoff Varney <> wrote:

> John,
> I was there a while ago so searched around the Web
> and came up with a
> tool to help do this. I use this in a logrotation
> script that runs each
> night just before midnight so I have daily logs of
> access. I also use a
> script within this to convert IPs to host names so I
> know from what
> computer the access is. Here's what mine does:
> Rotate access.log
> Move the rotated log file to a log storage area and
> rename it to include
> date
> Convert IPs in log file to host names
> Convert Unix time stamps in log file to normal date
> and time (My script
> retains the original log file AND creates a new one
> with host names and
> date/time)
> Here is what is used to do the conversions:
> IP -> Host Name:
> perl <path to>/ -I <path to
> rotated>/access.log > <path
> to>/<output_file>.log
> Unix time conversion:
> cat <path to>/rotated_access.log | perl <path
> to>/conv_date > <path
> to>/output_file.log
> In my setup the output file of the first is then the
> input file of the
> 2nd...
> I don't think you can attach files here so I've
> pm'ed you and attached
> the and conv_date files in case they
> aren't readily found, I
> forget where I found them, but I think they're
> around.
> Here is the code of conv_date:
> #! /usr/bin/perl -p
> s/^\d+\.\d+/localtime $&/e;
> If you're interested in my entire rotation script, I
> can provide that
> also. I'm no Linux wizard, still a beginner, but
> figured this stuff out
> (somewhat) and it's working for me.
> There may be some things you need to install for
> these to work, not sure
> what I did. You will also need to modify some
> things in ip2name (you'll
> see some of my info in there, maybe referring to
> "ridge" which is part
> of my domain name). conv_date (which is what you're
> after anyway) is
> good to go the way it is. You can just pull out the
> cat..... piece
> above and get what you want right away.
> Hope this helps, and not more than you wanted!!
> Geoff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Walubengo []
> Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:39 AM
> To: Guido Serassio; Laurent Marc 00
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] HowDo I: Get Date stamp
> on the access.log
> Below is my sample access.log data:
> 1152258629.089 23364 TCP_MISS/200 4625
> student
> DIRECT/ text/css
> 1152258629.261 2792 TCP_MISS/200 2570
> student DIRECT/ text/css
> It is basically the default log; how can i get it to
> show
> the date:time stamp so that I get to know WHEN the
> users
> accessed these sites?
> walu.
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