[squid-users] identifying users in squid.log

From: Bernd Schuhmacher <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 23:49:59 +0100


I have a little problem getting someting done with squid.
I need the names of the users of the internet connection logged within
the squid logs.

I have tried some thigs but nothing worked.

I have the following setup at the moment:

acl our_networks src
http_access allow our_networks
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
ident_lookup_access allow our_networks
ident_lookup_access deny all

The clients are running pidentd or gidentd.
I can see at the mashines running gidentd that there are requests for
ident. But the log of squid only shows up a "-" for username.

Does anybody have an idea where am wrong?

Squids's version is 2.5.STABLE9 running on a Debian Sarge. Clients are
mostly Debian Sarge (running pidentd) and some etch mashines (gident).

Best regard

Bernd Schuhmacher

Bernd Schuhmacher		Tel.: +49 06848/72144
Donaustra�e 4			Fax: +49 06848/72145
66424 Homburg			Mobil: +49 171/8314351
				Email: bernd@schuhmacher-net.de
	Homepage: http://schuhmacher-net.de/~bernd
	ICQ#:	54401288
	MSN:	bernd@schuhmacher-net.de
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Received on Tue Feb 06 2007 - 15:50:07 MST

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