Re: [squid-users] identifying users in squid.log

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 10:28:31 +0100

tis 2007-02-06 klockan 23:49 +0100 skrev Bernd Schuhmacher:
> Hi
> I have a little problem getting someting done with squid.
> I need the names of the users of the internet connection logged within
> the squid logs.
> I have tried some thigs but nothing worked.
> I have the following setup at the moment:
> acl our_networks src
> http_access allow our_networks
> http_access allow localhost
> http_access deny all
> ...
> ident_lookup_access allow our_networks
> ident_lookup_access deny all
> The clients are running pidentd or gidentd.
> I can see at the mashines running gidentd that there are requests for
> ident. But the log of squid only shows up a "-" for username.

Maybe the request finishes before the client station identd responded.
Squid does not wait for the ident lookup to complete unless required by
acl processing..

try adding the following before the our_networks rule

acl req_ident ident REQUIRED
http_access deny req_ident !all


Received on Fri Feb 09 2007 - 02:28:42 MST

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