[squid-users] tcp_miss/502

From: Scholten R. <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 13:48:58 +0100

While i am on a specific site ( http://rijksweb.nl ) and browse to their
"search" link (http://adresgids.rijksweb.nl/servlet/DirXweb/Main.htm ) i
get a TCP_MISS/502 after awhile.
The rest of the site works fine and when I turn squid/proxy off in my
browser and use direct connection, it works fine.
So some setting in the proxy is causing the page not to load.

I use Red Hat Enterprise 5 with squid-2.6.STABLE6-5.el5_1.2:7.i386

Thanks in advance

Systeembeheerder - Unix

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Received on Wed Jan 09 2008 - 05:49:04 MST

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