Re: [squid-users] regarding caching and replication

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 02:33:11 +1300

senthil wrote:
> Henrik Nordstr�m wrote:
>> tor 2010-02-18 klockan 14:56 +0530 skrev senthil:
>>> We can copy the contents of cache directory of Squid1 to Squid2 but
>>> the problem here is that the copied data has to be indexed by squid2.
>> I would set squid2 as a sibling peer to Squid1 using cache digests,
>> allowing it to fetch content from Squid1 to populate it's cache as
>> needed.
>> Regards
>> Henrik
> Hello Hen,
> Thanks for the reply
> In the scenario we are using Squid as reverse proxy
> Using cache digest is good,is it possible to generate the request for
> the cached objects defined in the cached digest from squid2
> i.e.,squid2 getting cached objects from squid1 with the help of cache
> digest information in squid2

configure squid1 as a cache_peer of squid2. Index exchange happens

> By using " squidclient -h ipofparentsquid( -m GET
> " we are able to see the details of cached
> object in encrypted format

By "encrypted" do you mean "binary GIF format" ?
  as in the format expected to be received when asking for a .gif object?

> By using the squidclient command is there is any possibility to get
> cached objects to the squid2 from squid1 using cache digest information.

No. Not manually.


Please be using
   Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE24
   Current Beta Squid
Received on Thu Feb 18 2010 - 13:33:18 MST

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