Re: [squid-users] regarding caching and replication

From: senthil <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 19:28:57 +0530

Hi Amos,

Thank you very much

>>By "encrypted" do you mean "binary GIF format" ?
>> as in the format expected to be received when asking for a .gif object?


Is it possible to make cached object in squid1 eg a.gif to be in squid2
cache as a.gif using squidclient
 eg squidclient -h ipofparentsquid( -m GET


Amos Jeffries wrote:
> senthil wrote:
>> Henrik Nordstr�m wrote:
>>> tor 2010-02-18 klockan 14:56 +0530 skrev senthil:
>>>> We can copy the contents of cache directory of Squid1 to Squid2 but
>>>> the problem here is that the copied data has to be indexed by squid2.
>>> I would set squid2 as a sibling peer to Squid1 using cache digests,
>>> allowing it to fetch content from Squid1 to populate it's cache as
>>> needed.
>>> Regards
>>> Henrik
>> Hello Hen,
>> Thanks for the reply
>> In the scenario we are using Squid as reverse proxy
>> Using cache digest is good,is it possible to generate the request
>> for the cached objects defined in the cached digest from squid2
>> i.e.,squid2 getting cached objects from squid1 with the help of cache
>> digest information in squid2
> configure squid1 as a cache_peer of squid2. Index exchange happens
> automatically.
>> By using " squidclient -h ipofparentsquid( -m GET
>> " we are able to see the details of cached
>> object in encrypted format
> By "encrypted" do you mean "binary GIF format" ?
> as in the format expected to be received when asking for a .gif object?
>> By using the squidclient command is there is any possibility to get
>> cached objects to the squid2 from squid1 using cache digest information.
> No. Not manually.
> Amos
Received on Thu Feb 18 2010 - 13:59:15 MST

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