Quick Abort feature

From: Michael Greve Molbech <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 21:01:04 +0100

Hi Folks!

I need some help for the Quickabort Feature !! I can't get i working

As stated in the config file, the quick abort feature will first
start with less than MIN kilo B's left and abort if there is more
than MAX kilos left, AND minimum X percent retrieved, before it
continues fetching if there is a client abort

In my case i want no lower and upper limit of MIN/MAX feature, just
minimum retriveal feature. I have tried :

QuickAbort 0 25 0


QuickAbort 100000 25 100000

These two configuration fails, squid aborts immediatly after a client

and is a see quick -1 25 0 just disable the feature (=aborts if
client abort)

/Michael Molbech
BTW: I'm running squid 1.1.20 (on linux Redhat 5.0)

Network Operation Manager
Michael Molbech BScEE
The Engineering College of Aarhus
Dalgas Avenue 2
8000 Aarhus
Tel: +45 86 13 62 11
Fax: +45 86 13 64 88
Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 12:05:07 MDT

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